Saturday, April 23, 2011

Turn from your false gods

                Should our friend’s good fortune not make us happy for them instead of feeling sorry for ourselves?  One of my friends just announced she got engaged, and of course I congratulated her, but inside I felt jealousy, and I envied her.  She now has what I desire with every ounce of my being, and yet can’t have yet, a committed relationship headed towards marriage.  Perhaps the fact that I used to have a crush on her helps feed my jealousy but that’s no excuse, I’m a child of Almighty God and jealousy isn’t a character trait that his children should have.  Perhaps desiring something so much, no matter how good it can be in the proper time, that it drives you to literally be in pain about your lack when one of your friends gets it, means that that has become an idle that you are worshiping instead of God.  That’s a scary thought; I have become an idle worshiper without making a conscious decision to turn from God and towards this false god of an intimate relationship.  Every time Israel turned to false gods in the bible, they always suffered, and God removed his protection from them, and they were usually conquered and brought into slavery.  But whenever they would turn from their false gods and seek Him, he was faithful and just to forgive their sins and restore relationship with them and restore his protection.  When we turn to false gods today, perhaps we aren’t conquered in a physical battle with swards and stuff, but we get conquered spiritually and God removes some of his protection from us, and we are easily sucked into the sinful ways of the world.  Like in one scripture it talks about his word being a light unto our feet.  It’s talking in the analogy the shepherd is walking along a slope and one wrong step in the dark will make him fall down the hill, but Gods word is a light helping him find the safe path at the top.  But when we neglect studying the word, or let our batteries in our flashlight die, we can’t tell were the path is anymore and so easily step off that ledge.  So much now, I pray asking that God will show me the path he wants me to take in my life and I get disappointed or frustrated when I don’t get an obvious answer, but He’s given me a way to see my path, but I blatantly leave the batteries out of the flashlight he gave me and I turn my back on him, desiring relationships and other stuff more than him.  And what could have been a peaceful night stole down the beach hand in hand with Jesus turns into a perilous mountain climb in the dead of night, and I wonder why I can’t overcome addictions and I fall into temptation.  The reason is obvious; I have turned to worshiping false gods.  Now the only way off the side of the cliff without falling and being destroyed is to get on my knees and beg him to come and help me, and get those old batteries out and charge them and put them back in the flash light so that I will be able to find my way back down the mountain to the beach where Jesus is standing with his arms wide open waiting to embrace me and take my hand and continue the peaceful stroll down the moon lit beach. 
                If you are like me and have at least subconsciously turned your desires away from God after something else, I recommend that you get on your Knees with me and get back into His holy word, and submit to him your desires; he loves you and wants what’s best for you.  I know its scary leavening any aspects of your live up to someone else, but as one verse in Jeremiah says, he knows the plans he has for you, they aren’t to harm you, there to help you and bring you a good future.  I don’t know if anybody else needed to hear this, but I know I did.  And even if I did a terrible job writing it, God still used it for me, so it was worth it. 


  1. Daniel! I'm glad to see you blogging! This is a great post and a very popular topic - which tells us that you are NOT the only one going through this. It is totally hard, but you are in the majority. ;) Maybe we can all put our brains together and help each other!

    (Be warned: This is going to be a mini post!)

    First off, thanks for being willing to be honest about yourself. I think I try to act like I don't have problems, insecurities or struggles just so people won't think bad of me. Seeing honesty about how you felt towards your friend is refreshing. And realizing where your sinning is always the first step, so I think you're on the right track.

    And just a word of encouragement, if you don't mind - I've had this problem a lot. Its a daily battle that I have to suit up and fight. Thankfully I have found some great tools that are helping reshape my thinking on this. The Bible! The Word of God is really living, active and sharper than any sword! I've been memorizing scripture to help defeat lies in my life. For example: "A relationship will make me happy." when I feel that lie, I can just recite some verses that defy it. Like Romans 8:6 and "There is a way that seems right unto man, but in the end it leads to death." You just meditate on those verses in the time of need, and makes a difference. I encourages me to take my eyes off "me and my problems" and put them on the Father!

    And lastly, I'm so glad that you are endeavoring to trust God in this area. I've been in a unhealthy relationship before and sadly, I have a lot of regret. God's plan for most people involves marriage, but if we push before His timing, we end up getting something that we really didn't need. God knows. And we can rest!

    *sigh* I'm sorry....I RAMBLE soooo bad. *wail* I hope that wasn't annoying...

  2. haha no it wasn't annoying at all, it was encourageing. and i know exactly what you mean, sometimes i feel so fake, cause i hide everything im feeling and thinking and just put up the front of being the modle christian. its really sad, i havent even really picked up my Bible and studied in such a long time, last night i had to just go out on my roof and apoligize. and i realized i dont even know how to study, but i started reading romans. and i have never dated any one before, and i know in my mind that its better, but sometimes its like what have i missed, everybody else gets to date and stuff, but yah anyways thanks for the encouragement, ill try to blog more often, but i usually just write when i have to, or i have inspiration which isnt often

  3. I know what you mean. Sometimes I think I've let myself become complacent in my walk with Christ, just because someone else puts me out front and calls me a good roll model. I'm thinking, "Do you really know me? I have so many issues!" Thankfully though, God doesn't see our issues. He sees His Son! PRAISE THE LORD!

    Ya sometimes thats what we have to do. Apologize. But like Romans says (which you should know if you're reading it ;D), "Should we continue in sin that grace may abound? Certainly not!" I've heard the analogy of a little boy on a patio. The father says, "Don't step off the patio!" So the little boy goes to the very tip of the patio, and looks into the yard, but doesn't step off. Is the Father still pleased? Yes, definitely! Not always I FEEL like reading the Bible or studying or I feel like I'm being legalistic if I do. Not so. God told me too, so even if I don't feel like doing it, but do, God is still pleased and REWARDS US! that's the best part. Every moment spent in the throne room of God is going to be rewarded. I wonder why I ever trade that time for anything else. Keep fighting the good fight!

    And yeah! Sometimes inspiration is hard to come by. just stop in and tell us a good scripture you read or something. ;)

  4. Ok you two, this was very encouraging to me! Words can't express how comforting (i guess thats the right wordt use) it is to hear that other Christians are having the same struggles. I've read several books about being single but taken by God. One of my faviorite quotes is "A girl should be so lost in God that a man has to dig in His word to find her."

    With everything that happened between my last relationship I have really been struggling with God and His reasonings. I didn't understand at all. He showed me that I don't need to understand but that I just need to be willing. Willing to walk in His will that is. Jeremiah 29:11 has been my crutch alot here recently!
    Thanks for sharing guys! It was a good reminder of where my mind set needs to be.

  5. Amanda, if you havent alredy i would seriously check out ashley's blog, striveing for a crown, she really has some great stuff, and God has really been useing it to make some changes in my life. thanks so much for reading and takeing the time to comment. and ive heard that quote before lol i like it.

  6. @Amanda: Girl, I'm so glad we were encouraging! Lemme tell you something, I wouldn't be the person I am today if it wasn't for the very hard relationship I had to go through. God does have purposes and even you learning to be "willing even when you don't understand" could be the lesson you had to learn.

    And yes I find it comforting to know that others are struggling too! Thats one awesome thing about the body of Christ!

    @Daniel: Really? Thank you so much for that sweet comment!

  7. Daniel,

    I have really enjoyed reading this post and the comments from you and your friends. I have been inspired and moved by the things I have seen written here. I originally found this through seeing it on your mother's Facebook page and I skimmed over it. I kinda forgot about it, but then God kept putting it on my heart, and I knew I had to come back and read it. I have gone through and am going through some similar issues, and I know I was meant to read this.

    I think you are definitely on the right track. Realizing where we are and how God sees us is always a prerequisite to getting back on track and getting closer to Him. Sometimes we get so caught up in things that we don't even realize how far we've strayed from God until He sends us a wake-up call or starts chipping away at our hearts that have grown stony from being apart from Him. A lot of times, these things may seem harmless, like having a deep desire to find a companion to love, but no matter our intentions, they can turn into false gods, like you said.

    I believe that God will provide the right companion for each one of us, on His time. I believe that if we try to rush things, we will end up in messes and probably end up sinning in more ways than one. And while I believe these things, I struggle so hard to just have faith and wait on God. It's silly, but so many times I get all worked up worrying that I will never find the right one. More than that, I worry that I will mess things up when I do find someone and say or do the wrong thing and blow it. In the end, I always come back to the thought that God will work it out if it's meant to be. As long as we are close to Him and seeking His guidance, what is supposed to happen will happen.

    Sorry if I wrote a book here!

  8. By the way, I started a blog a long time ago about political (worldly) topics. I abandonded that long ago, but now I may start blogging about more serious things if I feel God lead me in that way.

  9. Paul, i am so glad God can use what i am learning to touch others. and im so thankfull for that conviction or "chipping away at our hearts," cause although it can be painfull, without it i would get so far off track i would be completely useless. thanks for your coments, and ill have to check out your blog.
